I wonder if the ending is an alegory for socializing... "all the planks of wood coming together to create something great".
I wonder if the ending is an alegory for socializing... "all the planks of wood coming together to create something great".
This feels like came from the "Diary of the Wimpy Kid" universe.
Pretty good, I agree with criticism though.
Madness Combat meets Arthouse Cinema.
This animation was beautiful.
This is like watching a fine painting.
[YTP] The King Forgets what's for Dinner after playing Morrowind.
When the Steve and Captain speak the subtitles should change to Japanese.
The end is on-point, it's not like everything will get better, if someone nobody heard about just went outside and touch grass, that is most likely covered in literal animal shit.... or dead bird.
Why does the animation in Episode 2 looks so much better than in first episode?
Archivist with Asperger Syndrome.
Joined on 12/18/19