Ay, thanks for the shoutout and your support! Also, happy birthday, so glad it's been going great for ya so far! I'll be turning 18 too in a few months! :D
Eh, just some dumb 18 year old shitposter with Newgrounds account. I'm mostly famous solely for being in two 4 hour long YTP collabs.
Joined on 12/18/19
Ay, thanks for the shoutout and your support! Also, happy birthday, so glad it's been going great for ya so far! I'll be turning 18 too in a few months! :D
Happy adult day dude
Heya thanks for the shout-out! Happy 18th good dude!
Honestly not sure I knew who Michael Rosen was, but that's cool. Usually it's on 30/4 but maybe we've had this day in the past too, maybe even Michael Rosen's birthday spot on, fluctuates a bit...
Happy birthday!
Thank you guys for all the comments.
Happy birthday!!! Thanks for the shout-out!!! Enjoy those years while they last, hahahaha
wow :D sorry i was away from ng for a pretty long time, and don't really know why you likes me, but thank you xD
Thanks for the shoutout and happy birthday to you! You're now legal to do something that you really want now
I'm still in high school.